Research and Development in

Computational Geotechnics

Constitutive models for soil and rock

Constitutive models for soil and rock

We offer a wide range of constitutive models for soils and rocks, which can be used for various geotechnical problems under monotonic or dynamic loading conditions. Our collection includes standard models (e.g. Mohr-Coulomb, Matsouka-Nakai, Modified Cam-Clay) and advanced models including state-dependency, grain crushing, cyclic, creep, anisotropy and/or destructuration features. Additionally, all our models incorporate small-strain stiffness. We can also develop custom models upon request. Please contact us for more information.

Parameter determination

We specialize in assisting clients in determining material parameters of advanced constitutive models, ensuring optimal performance and accurate results.

Large deformation analyses

We specialize in MPM analysis of geotechnical structures experiencing significant deformations for assessing safety, stability, and performance of structures.


Cone Penetration Testing (CPT), (offshore) pile installation, suction caisson installation, pile decommissioning, and slope stability, such as embankments, harbor sludge, and mine tailings.
Content 3 particle
Mutli-phase analyses

Multi-phase analyses

We are specialized in multi-phase simulations to analyze interactions between fluid phases (e.g. water, air and other liquids) and solid particles in partially saturated soil and rock with and without temperature changes to assess pore pressures, stresses and solid deformations.


Seepage analysis, consolidation, climate change effects, desiccation, soil-water interaction, saturation effects on soil behavior, heat flow, and geotechnical structure response to temperature fluctuations.

Expert services

As a computational geotechnics consultancy, we use advanced numerical methods to analyze complex geotechnical problems through computer simulations. Our approach involves replicating soil and rock behavior, allowing engineers to predict the response of geotechnical structures under different loading and environmental conditions to achieve more accurate and efficient design.


The analysis of soil-structure interaction, soil liquefaction, dynamics, deep excavations, tunnels, slope stability, offshore and onshore pile foundations, land reclamations, and any challenging geotechnical problem.
Expert services
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